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07-28 12-19

KOKORO again! Dhilon, Seonghoon, and Thiaus joined the lab as a postdoc, a graduate, and an undergraduate research assistant. Jong Cheol will go to Boston for postdoctral studies. Emilia will be out of lab for a few months. Emilia's baby shower... Emilia is about two months away from the due day. The group gives her a gift card. Huijing, Pallavi, and Pushpa are rotating in the lab.

Biophysical Society Meeting (2/15- 2/19)
2014 CHARMM Meeting, Harvard (7/18- 7/20)

We were able to have all group members.

From now, we will have the photo every year.

Koreans together...

August 24: with undergraduates (except Andrew) for Nathan.

Before the Monday reception: Ulrich, Sandeep, Carlos, Eric, Huisun, Olgun, Michael, Jianhan, and Jinhyuk.

October 22 (MPI meeting): Charlie and Bernie with CHARMM-GUI T-shirt!

Eder's poster.

Jongcheol's poster.

Jumin's poster.

Emilia's poster.

Xi's poster.

Soohyung's poster.

Huisun's poster.

Andrew's poster.

Yifei's poster.

Nathan's poster.